Get Multipole Component Data

This module provides access to data saved by the multipoles thorn.

The main class is CactusMultipoleDir, which is provided by SimDir instances.

class postcactus.cactus_multipoles.CactusMultipoleDir(sd)

This class provides access to all multipole data of a simulation.

The multipole data for a given variable is accessed as dictionary style, returning MultipoleDetColl which represents the data for one variable on the available surfaces. The ‘in’ operator is supported to check if a variable has data.

The constructor is not intended for direct use.


sd (SimDir instance.) – Simulation directory.

get(key, default=None)

Obtain data for a given variable, or a default if not available.


List of all available variables.

class postcactus.cactus_multipoles.MultipoleDet(dist, data)

This class collects multipole components on a spherical surface.

It works as a dictionary in terms of the component as a tuple (l,m), returning a TimeSeries object. Alternatively, it can be called as a function(l,m). Iteration is supported and yields tuples (l,m,data).

class postcactus.cactus_multipoles.MultipoleDetColl(data)

This class collects available surfaces with multipole data.

It works as a dictionary in terms of spherical surface radius, returning a MultipoleDet object. Iteration is supported, sorted by ascending radius.

  • radii – Available surface radii.

  • available_lm – Available components as tuple (l,m).

  • available_l – List of available “l”.

  • available_m – List of available “m”.