EOS Files

The framework contains functions to load thermal EOS from file. The type of EOS is determined transparently to the user. For this we defined a file format for thermal EOS, based on HDF5.

Loading EOS

For loading a thermal EOS from file, use load_eos_thermal() as in the example below.

#include "eos_thermal_file.h"

using namespace EOS_Toolkit;

units u = units::geom_solar();
auto eos = load_eos_thermal("path/example.eos.h5", u);

The EOS files are based on SI units internally, therefore one has to specify the geometric unit system the returned EOS object should employ. In the example above, we use \(G=c=M_\odot=1\).

This version of the library comes with one example file EOS/HYB1.80_MS1_PP.eos.h5, which is a hybrid EOS based on the MS1 cold EOS.

Creating EOS Files

In order to create barotropic EOS to file, first create the EOS object and the save it to a file using save_eos_thermal(). For most use cases, it is probably more convenient to use the Python bindings, which include the C++ functions for creating and saving EOS.


Older versions of the library used a separate Python module for creating EOS files, while the C++ interface could only load. This asymmetric design was abandoned, and the module removed in version 1.7. New EOS files should always be created using the regular Python interface to the C++ library.